Monday, December 11, 2006

I Blog, Therefore I Am

I have no idea what this will be about, or where it will go. The pressure to post has been building, so this should hold some people for a while.

Why are teachers Crazy?
I don't know, but I am starting to learn how to spot them. Green vests knitted from some fuzzy stuff with cartoon characters sewn on. And the noses have to be buttons or little bells. I swear they all shop at Canton. We went to Nikki's school Christmas party, better known as the Island of Misfit Humans. The last two years I have sat at the very end of the table, using Nikki as a shield. And the last two years a different woman with too much makeup and an Energizer mouth has come in at the last minute and perched herself down at the end, next to me. Both were divorced outcasts from the land of McMansions, and boy are they bitter. And not shy about it. They haven't adjusted well. You really shouldn't be wondering where to hide your diamonds in your one bedroom apartment. Needless to say, I won't be attending next year, not sober anyway.

Why did she do that to my hair?
I got a haircut today. Those that know me can tell you that among my many, many faults, vanity is not one of them. I just want a haircut. A number 3 and don't make my head look square. Now, I don't usually talk much to the lady that cuts my hair. Her English is better than my Vietnamese, but only marginally. I will drift off, thinking about something, not paying much attention. Next thing I know, I am getting a vigorous head message. WTF? Too late, I have been North Dallas Gelled. She always asks, and I always say no. Not today. So, for the rest of the day I felt the urge to buy an Emo CD and put a DVD player in the dash of my truck. What the hell is Emo, anyway? Now I know how a candied apple feels.

He's a pretty good football player, but come on. Get a grip, people.

My Inner Geek
I finally figured out how to make a home server with Linux. And I was excited. Please pray for me, this can't turn out well. Help me Baby Cheeses.

Nikki has one, and enjoys talking to the kids in our church through the web. Not for me, I don't have any tattoos. I'll leave that to the 14 year olds.

See ya',


Anonymous said...

u are my hero.

Anonymous said...

why is he your hero??? said...

All right, it's my turn to prod you to get back on the blog bandwagon. "I Blog, therefore I am." Does it follow that when you aren't blogging, you aren't?