Ok, we got back from the Dr. Baby and mother are great and things could not be better. The Dr confirmed it's a girl. We did not care if it was a boy or girl, just as long as the baby is healthy. So far so good.
Our friend GBB asked a very good question. Now that I know if it's a girl, does this change the way I feel, does this make it more of a person? She put it much nicer, but you get the idea. The answer is yes, it does. A few days ago I would have said that can't happen, but it did. Before today she was The Baby. Today she became My Daughter, Her Supreme Highness.
Today my daughter waved at me. She didn't know she was waving at anyone, but she did. I saw her beautiful, perfect little face. It actually looked like a kitten skull, but still perfect and beautiful to me. I watched her rub her face, do backflips, pick her nose, doggy paddle around, and just generally look cute. I saw her heart beat, and it made mine swell and almost explode. I don't know her yet and I already love her more than life. Today I realized I am the luckiest human alive, I will now have the two most beautiful, smart, loving, funny, kind women in my life. What a great ride this is gonna be.